====== IBPP::User ====== The IBPP::User class holds the information that the Firebird server manages about a user. It is not an interface class, with automatic smart pointer management like for instance the [[Database]] class. It is a plain classical C++ class. It is used by some of the [[Service]] interface methods. ===== Definition ===== See the file ibpp.h for an up-to-date definition. ===== Public Data members ===== * std::string username * std::string password * std::string firstname * std::string middlename * std::string lastname * uint32_t userid * uint32_t groupid These above public data members can be freely edited by the host application. ===== Methods ===== ==== void clear() ==== Clears a user object to its defaults state upon default construction. All string members are empty strings and the userid and groupid are set to 0. ===== Constructors ===== ==== User() ==== Construct an empty user, the same as when calling clear() upon an existing one. ==== User(const User&) ==== Ordinary copy constructor. To make the User a good citizen of your code. ===== Operators ===== ==== User& operator=(const User&) ==== To assign a user from another one. ===== See also ===== The [[Service]] interface is the only part of IBPP which makes use of this User class.